Share your colleagues' digital business cards

Sometimes the right contact person is not available. With the integration of digital business cards into Team coordination, users can share their colleagues' business cards directly from the VisitReport app.

Share the cards of your colleagues in Team coordination

In the VisitReport app, navigate to Team coordination and open the details view of a colleague. Via "Share digital business card", you now have the option of sharing the public contact details of the respective user, e.g. via QR code.

This allows you to send the correct contact information to the person you are talking to, even if your colleague is not available at the booth.

You can find out which requirements must be met for sharing the contact card in the next section.

Authorizations to share the cards

To activate the sharing of business cards for an event, the team coordination and the corresponding setting for sharing must be activated in the VisitReport Dashboard.

Users from your organization can decide individually in the "My card" section of the dashboard and apps whether they want to share their business card with others. If individual users decide against this, they will still be visible in the team coordination, but their digital business card cannot be viewed or shared.

Note: As soon as business card sharing is activated in an event, all users with access to the event can see the business cards of all other such users.