This article lists all the sources, which snapADDY uses to find the company information
When you scan a business card using the VisitReport app, you can easily search for additional information about the company where your event participant is employed. This feature allows you to supplement any valuable details that may not be present on the business card itself.
In DataQuality, it is also possible to click on the desired contact's "Company Data" and find extensive information from various sources.
If you're curious about the sources from which snapADDY tools retrieve company information, here's a comprehensive list of the open sources utilized to gather this data:
- bizfile Online
- Corporations Canada
- Deutsches Handelsregister
- Division of Corporations
- Dun & Bradstreet
- Google Maps
- Impressum
- Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen
- L'Annuaire des Entreprises françaises
- New York Corporation and Business Entity Database
- Texas Open Data Portal
- UK Companies House
- Washington Corporations and Charities Filing System
- Wikidata
- Wikipedia
- Zefix
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