Have you exported your reports yet? Daily goal and report statistics

With the report statistics in the VisitReport app, users can get an overview of their already captured and exported reports.

More transparency, more feedback, more captured reports

A prominent progress bar and direct feedback motivate users to capture and export even more reports.



Set a daily target in the event settings

In the VisitReport dashboard event settings, administrators can set a daily target for the number of reports that each user should capture. A report is considered captured once it has been successfully exported.

If no daily target is set, the corresponding section will not be displayed in the app. Personal statistics will remain visible to users.


New look for the reports overview

The VisitReport app continues to improve: captured reports are now divided into the categories "In Progress" and "Finished." "In Progress" displays reports that have not yet been exported, while "Finished" refers to reports that are completed and exported.

This makes it even easier for app users to keep track of their reports and remember to export them.