How does the contact person search work?

The contact person search helps you to find the right contact person within a company or industry.
snapADDY searches for contacts in the business networks Xing and LinkedIn.

  1. With the company search mostly persons from the management are found. You can then search for the right contact person within the company.
  2. Therefore click on "Contact person".

3. If the person found is not the right one, you can remove the name.

4. Now all persons who work for the found company and have an account with Xing or LinkedIn are displayed.

5. You can select a filter to the right of the fields to search for a specific department, for example. You can also create your own filters.

6. After you have found your new contact person, you can grab the desired person directly next to the search result with the "Apply" button. If you click on it, the data in snapADDY DataQuality is taken over into your contact list.