How to create a shared DataQuality contact list

ou now have the option of creating a shared list of contacts in snapADDY DataQuality

All users who are allocated to this shared list will have the following possibilities:

  • Seeing contacts other users have added/created

  • Adding contacts other users can see

  • Editing both one's own contacts as well as contacts other users have added

  • Exporting one's own and other user's contacts to your CRM, Excel list, vcard etc.

  • Generally collaborating on the contacts, companies, leads that are in the shared list


To set this up, following these steps:

  1. Go to your Settings

  2. Under the organization group go to Shared contact lists

  3. Then select Create contact list

  4. Give your shared list a name

  5. Select which users or user groups should be able to see the shared list