This is an installation guide for DataQuality in Microsoft Dynamics.
Importing the solution
- Go into Advanced Settings.
Under Settings dropdown go to Solutions.
Click on Import (picture: Importieren).
Download our Solution and select it.
After selecting the file click Continue (picture: Weiter) and finally Import.
Adding the new Web Resource as Tab to menu of any Hub
- Open the Power App Launcher within Dynamics 365.
Select the Power Apps Application you want to use - for example Sales Hub - and click on "Open in App Designer".
- Select the correct Environment in the upper right corner (our main environment is called snapADDY GmbH).
- Add a Group.
- Enter a "Title".
- Click on "Save" and then on "Publish".
- Add a new Page.
- Select "Web Resource" as Type.
- Select "DataQuality" or “snapaddy_DataQuality” as URL (check autocomplete).
- Add a Title.
- Click on "Add".
End Result
After this tutorial snapADDY DataQuality is available as a tab in your selected Hub.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact or your Customer Success Manager.