What is the difference between Named, Concurrent & Terminal licenses?

Learn more about the differences between the three license types in VisitReport.

With snapADDY VisitReport, you can choose between three license types. To help you decide, you will find an overview in this article that shows what each license includes.

Visit Report Named-Licenses

The Named User license type describes a license that is assigned to a natural person. An assigned license remains bound to the person for the term of one year.

  • Definable roles for each individual license (read more about roles)

  • User can log in with any of his IOS, Windows & Android devices

  • If a person is no longer working for the company before the license expires, please contact your Customer Success Manager or support@snapaddy.com


VisitReport Concurrent Licenses

The license type "Concurrent User" describes a set of users who are allowed to use the software within one day

  • Use means the creation of a report in the app, independent of a test or productive operation

  • If in one month the number of users exceeds the booked license quantity, snapADDY is allowed to charge the customer for the overuse at the end of the month 


Visit Report Terminal 

The "Terminal" license type describes a license that allows the use of an alias address (messe1@example.com). Several users can work and enter reports at one terminal


  • With the Terminal Licence, you can only be logged in on one device at the same time
  • After the trade fair, this license can be unlocked again and assigned to another device
  • The device acts as a terminal where user with named licenses and/or guest users can be logged on

  • How to setup a Terminal?

If you have more questions, feel free to contact our support under: support@snapaddy.com or your Customer Success Manager.